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斗战神官网-Fighting the disturbing spiral of Jew

时间:2024-09-20 15:43:44 来源:一路风清网 作者:知识 阅读:597次
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close 'Gutfeld!': Trudeau plans to regulate hate speech onlineVideo

'Gutfeld!': Trudeau plans to regulate hate speech online

'Gutfeld!' panelists weigh in on what's fueling the 'mass hysteria on the left and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's efforts to criminalize 'hate speech.'

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In recent years, the troubling rise of Jew-hatred in Canada, with antisemitic incidents growing in number and severity, has become a national emergency. As with any other national emergency, national unity is essential in tackling the challenges that communities face across Canada, as is the call for collective action from all sectors of society.


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